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Transhumanism - A Brief Overview

Transhumanism aims at strengthening traits, such as creativity, youth, intelligence, etc. with the help of technology to eliminate or develop certain genes, and other scientific innovations, like robotics, for enhancing human race. Professionals in this field believe in alteration of human genome to negate weakness, diseases, aging or help with reverse aging, anti-aging, and, therefore, sculpting future generations. These post humans or advanced humans would be able to execute activities and make achievements that a human being of the current generation can only dream of. There is no separate technology built for transhumanism or its extropy goals. It makes use of the same technology and innovations that were made for the purpose of enhancing people's ability, health, memory, life span, intelligence, happiness, etc. with the help of artificial techniques. Transhumanism professionals conceive of a specific transhuman category on the path towards becoming advanced humans. An advanced human would not exist in an isolated world; he would be able to coexist with ordinary individuals. However, a transhuman would be able to reap extraordinary benefits that range from selective reproduction, altered DNA, prosthetic limbs, synthetic organs, nanorobotics, singularity, anti-aging regimens, sensory magnification, drug therapy, and portable telecommunication devices. An advanced human, in his or her extreme conception, would remain as an array of data within a memory bank. A single posthuman model may take injections on a weekly basis that contain anti-aging serums for cell replenishment. The advanced human may even have an advanced and modern telecommunication system that would allow the transhuman to send voice, text, large files, and video quickly from one location to another. The posthuman might also have an eye fitted with artificial oculus that would not just help measure depth and color, but distance and heat, and would identify people and objects. The DNA of the post human would have some gene therapy alterations so that he would be insulated against heart disease problems. The emotions of a posthuman are regulated through receptors that are implanted in his brain and which frees him from paranoia, stress, or depression. This advanced human potential is something that every normal individual would have wanted to be a part of their system. In 1998, various transhumanism branches came together at the World Transhumanist Association gathering to debate means and discuss their objectives. They welcomed queries on eugenics, ethics, wider ecosystem threats, personal risk, strains on resources, and dystopian scenarios. These people want to empower people to accomplish their biggest potential through usage of every innovation and technology that science has to offer. They believe technology would improve their quality of life, productivity, and probably boost them to increased consciousness levels. Transhumanism critics question both the associated value judgments and the potentially dangerous technology. Gene therapy and nanorobots may pose danger to humans, animals, and plants. Some characteristics would be labeled as favorable and some of the others as undesirable in a way that might privilege wealth and ethnicity. One of the other criticisms of this radical life extention theory is the potential creation of biologically superior and powerful species that would control unenhanced humans.


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